Spendlogic Specializes in Providing Commercial Item Assertions and Determinations

How Spendlogic’s Commercial Item Assertion and Determination Services Can Benefit Your Business.

Since 2001, SpendLogic has specialized in providing businesses with CPSR compliant, lightning-fast price analyses. Now, SpendLogic adds commercial item assertion and documentation services built to fit any federal agency or contractor. For almost twenty years, SpendLogic’s government contracting services have seen the company work with countless top defense contractors throughout the United States. During that time, SpendLogic saw the constant challenges faced by contractors working in the field and vowed to make a change – having witnessed first-hand the challenges buyers face, SpendLogic has your business covered. Our commercial item assertion services will ensure that your business keeps its head above water and thrives in the ever-changing government contracting climate. SpendLogic was developed to make business’ work easier, and with that goal in mind SpendLogic has accrued experience in dealing with all types of buyer issues. Ranging from single-source procurement challenges and CPSR compliance issues to massive project delays caused by bottlenecks in your workflow, buyer issues can tank a business if not properly and swiftly taken care of. SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services include the services of the DCMA’s Commercial Item Group, the team in charge of all commercial item determinations. Their services are now included in CPSRs in order to mitigate  long-term risk caused by the lack of a systemic approach to monitoring price analyses, and their aim is to provide access to all of your company’s commercial item determinations with just the click of a button (and reports can be instantly copied and reused throughout your business). 

The subjectivity of today’s compliance reviews make them hard to target or even pass – and SpendLogic’s endgame is to take that responsibility away from you, the business owner, so you can focus on the more important aspects of running your establishment instead of dealing with governmental regulations. In SpendLogic’s 19 years of operation, they have never failed to produce a CPSR-compliant price analysis report or commercial item determination, and it would be to their chagrin if their incredible track record wasn’t mentioned to a potential client. The finicky and oftentimes frustrating game of “Compliance Roulette” ends with the help of SpendLogic, whose commercial item assertion and determination services guarantee that your reports will pass compliance evaluations every single time they are reviewed. End the mindless cycle of submitting and resubmitting price analysis reports in the hopes that you get a lenient reviewer, and instead invest with SpendLogic – SpendLogic will make sure your business passes its compliance evaluation the first time, every time. 

One of the most common CPSR findings showcasing an inadequacy in price analysis reports has already been eradicated throughout businesses consistently through the use of SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services. When was the last time one of your price analysis reports were given the red flag for citing duplication of costs? SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services include solidifying your price reports with automated calculations. When competition seems scarce in the field, many businesses cite duplication of costs as the reason for their constant sales and lack of opposition. However, because CPSR auditors have realized that the “duplication of cost” excuse is simply an excuse (support for this theory is severely lacking), they jump on the issue and immediately give your price analysis report a giant red flag – back to the trash pile. How does SpendLogic change the course of commercial item assertion? It solves the issue at hand by basing its support upon the relation of costs to unit prices. In simpler terms, SpendLogic provides statistical evidence when the cost of competing can’t be backed up with a reasonable amount of savings. Because SpendLogic’s calculations and reports are automated, there is no room for error – leaving your business happy and healthy and the CPSR auditors you spoke to without any further paperwork to file. In addition, SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services enable you to track which services offered by your business or components of it require non-competitive source justifications. A little-known fact is that having adequate, CPSR-compliant price analysis and source justification reports is only half the battle when it comes to continuous improvement – in order to see financial growth rather than stagnation federal contractors are tasked with reducing the instances requiring non-competitive source justifications. SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services allow companies to review which of their components and/or services require justifications, and with the click of a button those components and services can be immediately viewed and analyzed.  Further evaluation and analysis bring commercial item assertion data to the table, which is then used to implement workarounds for follow-on procedures. 

SpendLogic’s Analysis Services are further commercial item assertion services offered to those on both the purchasing and selling sides of the transaction. They assist both consumers and business owners with the processes involved in handling commercial items, and because these processes often come with a significant amount of risk, SpendLogic’s commercial item assertion services aim to provide support in this field. Teach your team how to conduct, manage, write, and document commercial item determinations and assertions with the help of SpendLogic’s trainers – they take your business’ team through all the ins and outs of commercial item assertion and offer strategies for getting the process done correctly the first time around. In addition, SpendLogic offers online tools meant to automate the processes by which your documentation is conducted. Benefit your business using the CID (Commercial Item Determination) module to write CPSR-compliant commercial item assertions and determinations correctly the first time, without the room to make any of the numerous reporting mistakes that could send your business tumbling to the ground. If you’d rather not chance using the tool or simply have no time to allocate man-hours towards this particular end goal, SpendLogic’s analysis service experts are available to create commercial item determinations and assertions on your business’ behalf. Working either hourly or on a retainer basis, SpendLogic’s experts have had a 100% success rate creating CPSR-compliant commercial item determinations and assertions for countless businesses thus far, and projects are typically completed within 1-2 days. 

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